Thursday, July 27, 2006

If Ignorance is Bliss ...

...then the "In Your Dreams" award of the week goes to Paris Hilton for making
the following absurd statement:

"There's nobody in the world like me. I think every decade has
an iconic blonde like Marilyn Monroe or Princess Diana and right now, I'm that icon."
Little-Miss-CAN-Be-Wrong told the Times of London.

Look honey, you may be thin, rich, and by some people's standards, beautiful, but here's
what separates the blondes from the iconic blondes:
A) Talent. Marilyn Monroe actually could act. Goodness knows, she would never
have stooped to staging a "reality" show where a lack of tact, good manners
and common sense would be so glaringly in evidence. The same principles
would almost certainly have applied to any propositions she received to
record a sex video. Do I need to go on?
B) Grace and Compassion. Princess Di crusaded for worthy causes, globe-trotting from
hospital to hospital, not only visiting sick children or land mine victims, but embracing them
... and I don't mean in the figurative sense alone. (And by the way, "figurative" doesn't
have anything to do with the female form, Paris.) And heavens knows, it takes a massive
measure of grace to live inside a royal cocoon, mother two boys also constrained inside it,
and figure out how to navigate life when your every word and deed is microscopically examined,
then re-broadcast to the world. (Especially, when that macro-publication is not your choice.)
C) Intelligence. Dear me, where do I start on this one? You know what, never mind. [Sigh.]

Blonde, you most definitely are Paris. I'll give ya that one. But iconic??!
Oy vey. Not in the way you're thinkin', honey.

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