Monday, July 03, 2006

Finding fun for the Fourth

It may not be the "A&E scene" per se, but here are some tips for how to enjoy the scene in an affordable fashion down Canandaigua way this Independence Day.
Naturally, fireworks are a must-see, so plan to stake out a spot in the vicinity of Kershaw Park by 9:15 p.m. so you can take it all in at 9:30 p.m. when the fun really begins. If you're in Kershaw, try laying flat on your back on the grass (or your picnic blanket) for an eye-popping view. Trust me, you'll love it! Other recommended views would be from: a) any car well-parked along the Routes 5 and 20 "bypass." Throw down your lawnchair and/or climb into the pickup bed; b) any car well-parked at a high point on a country road somewhere near the north end of Canandaigua Lake, though for this option the sound of fireworks is likely not included. Stick your head out the sunroof, or climb atop the roof of the car itself. Note: Roof-climb at your own risk; c) if you are so privileged, a motorboat ride on the lake itself. If you have this option, take it!
When the city spends @ $20K on this light show, you'd be crazy not to take advantage! The fireworks last a good 20 mins. or so, and afterward, you can enjoy another annual ritual: fighting the traffic jams to make your way home.
But prior to that, you may be looking for other optional activities, and here's what I'd recommend:
  • Swim and/or sun ... at local parks such as Deep Run (on Route 364, near Crystal Beach), Butler Road Park (on W. Lake Road, at the corner of Butler, go figure), and if you're an Ontario County resident, for a reasonable per-car rate, Onanda Park, much further down W. Lake Road (head east towards the lake from Cheshire, along Duell or Wells Curtice Roads, then continue south on W. Lake Road). I realize nearly everybody and their uncle does the hots-and-hamburgs routine, but people, this is what KFC was invented for!
  • The music, the mood, the (perhaps maddening?) crowds at Kershaw Park: It won't cost you a penny, but bands play for several hours at a stretch at the gazebo, and children can play right nearby on the kiddie playground. This year, local rockers Hadlock hit the gazebo grandstand at noon, and if you love their sound ('80s meets modern), stay tuned as their feature-length film, not to mention accompanying album, will soon debut. Meanwhile, search the MPN archives in 2005 for "Hadlock, movie" or "Rollin' the film to rock your world" to read all about them. Starting at 8 p.m., another local group, Synergy, will cover tunes like "R-E-S-P-E-C-T," "Brown-Eyed Girl," and beyond. Oh, and a word to the wise: Parents -- there will be vendors galore strolling the sidewalks pitching neon necklaces, balloons and such. Your wallet is hereby forewarned.
  • The movies! If you can't take the humidity, get out of the near kitchen-like, sweltering atmosphere typical to summer in upstate New York. Again, considering that you want to be as close as possible to the lake and those fireworks, and not have to burn so much precious gas gallivanting about, your best air-conditioned bet is the Canandaigua Movietime Theatres in the Wal-Mart Plaza. For the guys, there's "Superman Returns." For the girls, "The Devil Wears Prada." For the kids, "Cars" and/or "Over the Hedge." There are also several other films to choose from so odds are good there will be, quite literally, something for everyone. To figure out which one you want to see, check out reviews on Erich Van Dussen's blog: "Mostly Movies" or go to
  • Shopping: Skip the mall and check out South Main Street's boutiques, restaurants and the Wi-Fi-powered Canandaigua Commons. It's all within walking distance of the lake, which will be perfect for burning off those extra calories you'll get from ...
  • ...Ice cream: With apologies to the unfortunate, lactose-intolerant among us, this is an absolute must on Independence Day. If you don't mind a short drive west of Canandaigua, the best (homemade) hard ice cream can be found locally at Shark's Custard and Candy on Routes 5 and 20 in Bloomfield. (Note: they offer free samples and you can "split your scoops" between the various flavors.) However, if you don't want to leave the lake area, the Scoops stand across from the west side of Kershaw Park will do, though lines are sure to be backed up the sidewalk or across the street (which will be closed for the festivities.)
  • If your hometown doesn't already have a parade scheduled, Canandaigua's starts at 10 a.m. Tuesday, and you'll want to stake out any spot on the west sidewalk of South Main Street, between Ontario Street on down towards Routes 5 and 20.

In case of rain, the Canandaigua fireworks will likely be postponed to July 5, same time, same place. Enjoy the show!

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