Saturday, July 08, 2006

High Thee to Lagoon Park

Whoo-hoo! It's a red-letter day. Actually that started yesterday when I found out the orange fence was down and Lagoon Park is officially open. The bridges, the walking paths along the water, the greenery and trees, it's all there waiting to be enjoyed.
Which is exactly what my neph-dog (he's my sister's first "baby," hence, my "neph-dog") did tonight, traipsing around down there. And Bingley is an excellent authority as to what makes for an aesthetically pleasing walk. There were also several fisherman staked out along the shore, a few folks in boats, some athletes out for a jog, and a couple or two taking an evening stroll. Apparently, I'm not the only one who has found a new summertime haunt, and it seems Canandaigua's best-kept secret is not a secret anymore.
With a bit more landscaping, a few park benches and trash cans, Lagoon Park will be perfect.
But it practically is already.

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