Tuesday, July 18, 2006

So far, ... solo

Ack! It's coming up on three days until Johnny Mathis comes to town and I still haven't heard back from either the man himself or any of his managers whether he's going to take me (us) up on the offer of an outing.

As of right now, the only thing I do know is that I haven't won tickets to MPN's illustrious box seating for his concert Friday. (The company has been holding near-daily raffles for seats to each of the shows down at the Shell this season.) I must say, if it comes down to the date vs. the concert, I'd rather the date ... 'cause any ole soul can snap up a seat at a concert. Seriously, wouldn't "once dated a celebrity (wink, wink)" make for a fun ice-breaker introduction at just about any public function? :)

Anyhow, the fine folks at Shark's Custard and Candy are prepped, as are the Wine Center crew, so it's just a game of wait and see. Though I could do with a bit less waiting and a bit more seeing.

"I shall be telling this with a sigh,
Somewhere, ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood and I --
I took the one less traveled by ..." - Robert Frost

(Question is, will this "road" be the one that made all the difference?)

1 comment:

Erich Van Dussen said...

Funny you should mention Robert Frost: did you know he actually wrote a book of poems about Johnny Mathis?

(OK, maybe not.)