Monday, July 03, 2006

Bridge over Troubled Waters?

Dear City Councilmen, etc.
Despite the fact I never actually mailed my last letter, somehow you seem to have received the message because almost immediately, obnoxious orange-mesh fencing appeared strung across the portal of the bridge. Drat!
I mean, I realize there were probably liability reasons, given the 10,000 guests of the city who flood Kershaw each and every Fourth of July for the fireworks and whatnot, but I was going to keep that bridge a secret. I swear. I suppose y’all feared the kit and caboodle of them would swarm the new bridge and sink it or something, but it's built so well that shouldn't be a problem. (Sigh.)
So my question now is, when will the bridges be truly open to the public? Please tell me this is just a temporary holiday setback, because that bridge is just too beautiful to be left sitting there, empty, with no one allowed to enjoy it.
Down with the orange fence!
~ Rachel

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