Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar miscellany and what-have-you

I love Clint Eastwood. I love his red handkerchief. I love that they let him present an award for lifetime achievement in scoring, given that he himself so loves music and scoring. And hello? Clint can translate Italian? (or whatever language this guy is speaking in?) Did I say I love Clint yet?

Question: Will we ever have an Oscar show where Celine Dion does NOT sing? Yes, the woman has a lovely voice, but as it was we still have 3 Dreamgirls numbers to get through and about seven more awards, not to mention the In Memoriam segment. We'll definitely be up past midnight here, folks. So much for that "thank-you" cam invention. Note to future Oscar producers: the way to shorten the show, folks, is by eliminating all the self-congratulatory "artsy-ness" like human body shadow dancers, and the multiple "in celebration of" reels. Sigh.

Ok, I do like this red dress Jennifer Hudson is wearing, and Beyonce' is also looking stellar. They both sound fantastic. I'm liking all these songs. And-- wait for it -- another upset. After all that staging, NO songs from "Dreamgirls" take home the gold. Instead, Melissa Etheridge adds to the Al Gore love-fest. Though I must say, Gore ought to give future wannabe politicos (Yes, I mean you Michael Moore!) lessons in tasteful, appropriate public speech.

Didn't I tell you the rest of Jodie Foster's dress would look great?

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