Sunday, February 25, 2007

Let the Countdown Begin ...

Yippee! Less than 19 hours til Oscar.

If you want some laughs about just how serious I get about this prediction business, be sure to read Kevin Frisch's "Funny Thing" column in today's Sunday Messenger. (And by the way, that photo is the only place you'll see me clutching my little Office Oscar. Ordinarily, he sits on top of my desk where I can keep an eye on him.)

So, you know how all of us viewers back home start yawning when the winners start rattling through a nonstop list of 50 bijillion names of industry insiders (like agents, attorneys, ninth-grade drama teachers, etc.)? Well, the Oscar organizers finally decided to get a little more serious about that 45-second rule than leaving it all in the hands of the orchestra conductor (whom Julia Roberts, you may recall, had no trouble man-handling when it was her turn at the microphone). This year, it seems they intend for a new little invention to restore dignity, spontaneity and warmth to the whole process of thank-you speeches (as opposed to the verbal air-kissing to which we have sadly, become accustomed). Not to mention, this little gem should keep the show from wading into embarrassing late-night punchline fodder with URL's like the one Billy Crystal sheepishly rattled off one year in his monologue:
Naturally, a woman -- in this case, producer Laura Ziskin -- was the brainchild behind that creative solution. You go, girl!

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