Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Yes, Virginia, silly studies still exist

Oh my word! Breaking news!
Brace yourself, now.

Researchers have found that girls learn better from female teachers and boys learn better from male teachers. Apparently, a teacher's gender makes a world of difference.

It appears that, in classroom settings, girls can be intimidated by male teachers and can view whatever subject is taught by the man as likely irrelevant to their future. This makes the girls less likely to say, raise their hands or answer a question in a man's classroom. And on the flip side, female teachers will tend to see boys as disruptive nuisances, where a "chatty" girl might not get in so much trouble with her.

I'm not even kidding. I got a whole long press release on email this week from some organization, or maybe PR firm working on its behalf, to shout the findings in 48-point font.

Yes, you read it here first. Real people actually wasted breath and time and I'm sure, taxpayer money, to inform of us of something they assume we couldn't possibly have known, since, oh, maybe KINDERGARTEN!!

I can just hear my Grandpa "harumphing" now, asking who's the dad-blamed idiot that paid somebody to look into all that when he, or just about any random individual, could've told 'em the exact same thing. I'm confident he would have objected to these sort of "research" trends in the so-called "scientific" community.

I think more grandfathers should be consulted for their Two Cents when it comes to stuff like this. Goodness knows, it would sure be cheaper.

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