Monday, May 28, 2007

What a Difference a Week Makes

Whew! Talk about whirlwind changes.

In ReD Zone news, your faithful narrator has, as some in the media family like to say, "gone to the dark side." Translation: When a reporter/broadcast journalist etc. takes a new job in some sort of marketing/promotions field and stops fielding/scouring press releases and coverage requests and starts pitching them.

In the last week, I wrapped up production on "my" Brighton-Pittsford Post weekly paper, and rather quickly shifted gears to a new position at Sonnenberg Gardens, managing the special and private events scheduled throughout the season. So far, it's been fun getting used to working at a local tourist attraction (and for me, emphasis is, as per usual, on the LOCAL part of that). A former MPN colleague was actually back in town last weekend, and took a quick, first peek around the grounds. I was not at all surprised to hear the visit followed up by "this is such a great area, look at all the neat things around, etc. etc." And naturally, I couldn't agree more.

So, lucky me, I get to promote the local happenings at a revered local attraction -- as creatively as possible (oooo, fun!) -- and maintain the ties with my MPN colleagues all the while. And what kind of journalist "vet" would I be if I didn't give them the scoop first? (Not one proud to hang her hat in ReD Zone range, lemme tell ya. And yes, I have several hats ... more on that in another post.)

But yeah, there was a bit of head-spinning happening last week. Two days at the paper -- imagine trying to tie up seven years of loose ends, oy! -- one day to catch a breath, then two full days and another half-day in the new post. Whew! Squished in around the various old and new responsibilities was a going-away send-off from the MPN gang, complete with all the hysterical roastings that must accompany such an event. (You'll have to be content imagining the atmosphere set by this custom poster.)
Anyhow, it was a delightful capping of the career, and I will dearly miss my
co-workers, my Tuesday ritual of proofing the movie review page for the Sunday Freestyle section, my near-daily morning coffee breaks to the cappuccino machine with one of my partners in crime (Ha! Truer than you might imagine), my Post-side "peeps," some of whom often stayed late burning the midnight oil too, and the many, many fascinating local folks I got to meet in the course of reporting. How lovely that the near-and-dear will still be near! (The "dear" part doesn't change. ReD Zone rules.)
What was one of those New Year resolutions made a few months back? Embracing change, I believe? Guess this would be a checkmark in that box, a big one. Here's to embracing change, then: to old friends, new adventures, and fresh pages waiting to be filled in the next chapter.
Here we go!

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