Monday, May 21, 2007

Summer Soul-stice

Some things just do a body good ... like the refreshing visit my feet paid to the city's Lagoon Park last Saturday (sigh). I had missed my lagoons!

Warm sun, music-to-move-to on the iPod (that Christmas gift has really come in handy), and even a goose to scare off the path every time I swung by. What more could a girl ask? (Ok, well, energy to pull off a couple extra laps, but it was good just to start in again.)

It warms my soul to see all the grass that's grown in on the formerly sparse spots. The square landing docks are getting green rooftops, and they look sharp! They strike me as dapper gents tipping their caps, another thought that makes me smile.

Between the bridges, and the occasional willow trees, and the rabbits, squirrels and geese, it's this soul-soothing oasis to escape to without really leaving the comforts of home (after all, Starbucks can now be seen from one bridge, and my guess is many a couple out for a near-moonlit stroll later this year are going to be tempted to carry the conversation from the lagoons to the coffee shop.) And yes, I know my lagoon paths are perfect for more than just a jog. My good friend said they made for a delightful date, too. But, of course!

All of this reminds me of a song that's definitely of the spring-in-your-step sort:
"Think I'll go outside for a walk now, the summer sun's calling my name -- I hear ya now!
Just can't stay inside all day. Gotta get away, get away, get away, get away ...
into the Sunshine Day!"

See ya soon, lagoons!

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