Friday, March 30, 2007

Deep Thoughts: Part II

To file under the "random ramblings" category:

How is it that if you're sitting up straight for the majority of the day, working diligently on a computer, you end up with a crink in your neck? Weren't our necks designed to stay in the "upright, locked" position? And why do we call it a "crink" anyway when it's still straight?

What is it about being tired that loosens the tear ducts so that's it's easier to dissolve into hysterical laughter and wind up crying as if the joke was the best you'd heard in a good long while, when in fact it was probably only mildly funny, but you were just so tired you couldn't stop laughing?

How on earth do children have so much energy to run around like little turbo-charged engines, and why is it the sight of them doing so makes those watching them feel old and exhausted?

If daytime is essentially the time when it's light outside and most people are awake, at their busiest, why refer to the the 24-hour period which includes several dark hours when people are dead asleep as a "whole day?"

Is it just me or does no one else think it's weird for a so-called "White" wine to actually be pink?

Why do they say "the taxman cometh" when, in fact, it's the citizen that has to do the cometh-ing? Last I knew, H & R Block wasn't making house calls.

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