Monday, March 26, 2007

Deep Thoughts: Part 1

I think we can all agree that hot soup was made for rainy days when you are desperate to take the chill off. Soup-and-sandwich, whether that be tomato-and-grilled cheese or Panera's Broccoli & Cheese with a turkey artichoke panini, is practically perfect in every way.

But I personally hold that ice cream also tastes better on rainy days. And judging from the brisk business Papa Jack's in Victor was doing tonight about 7 p.m. in the misty drizzle, I'm not the only one who thinks so. And for some reason, this is especially true for soft-serve. If you want your twist-in-a-cone to be especially delicious, I recommend eating it under some kind of canopy or awning where you're still "outside" to enjoy it, but the rain isn't ruining your palette's parade.
I dare you to try it.

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