Sunday, October 01, 2006

Would Someone Please Explain ...

...why on EARTH some drivers (I'm certain that 99.44% of them are male) insist on squealing their wheels every time they drive down (or more likely, back up) the City Pier?

For starters, the Pier has a couple of speed bumps, so anything resembling speeding? Um, not a good idea. You want to race? Go to the County Fairgrounds most any Saturday night of the summer and get your fill there instead. Don't forget your wallet.

Beyond that, we have the actual length of the pier itself, which as piers go, is not all that long, so burning rubber and/or revving one's transmission is just pointless given one will be forced to slam on the brakes about 10 seconds or less later. After all, the Pier is, in effect, a dead-end street, even if it does have a teensy-weensy turn-around at one end.

Further, the city cops do make a habit of patrolling that area, especially late at night, so why risk a ticket?

Still further, actual people actually take walks along that pier, or stop to enjoy the view, and/or fish off the end of it, and with the maniacal way some of these idiots are driving, someone's going to get hurt. (And like the appalling way Murphy's Law seems to work, as in the case of alcohol-related driving accidents, it's probably not going to be the maniacal idiot driver that's hurt.)

And the biggest reason not to do it, fellas? Well, contrary to what you seem inclined to hold as "popular" opinion, you don't look (or sound) all macho doing it and we "chicks" remain thoroughly unimpressed, emphasis on thoroughly.

But please, go ahead. Attempt to explain to me why you feel compelled to squeal your wheels.
I could use a good laugh.

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