Tuesday, June 13, 2006

If a Blog had a Post Script ...

The line of the night (er, afternoon) at the "Stars of Tomorrow" awards wasn't delivered by any of the participating local TV/radio/biz celebs. Instead, it came right after Division A's Rush-Henrietta High School had just left the stage following a song-and-dance number from "CATS," which had been picking up a slew of awards. (Incidentally, "CATS" was named Outstanding Musical in Division A).
A student from Romulus, picking up a Division C award for best featured ensemble with a fellow "Sea Bee" from "South Pacific", sneezed, then apologized with "I'm allergic to cats."
The scattered snickers indicated he'd landed a mild blow in what is — let's be honest here — a competition among schools for recognition from theater professionals. (Clearly, some in the audience were agreeing with Mr. I-represent-Romulus.)
Whether you agree with a bit of teasing or not, the SOTs are similar to the sectional playoffs we have for sports, and participants — and supporters— do get passionate about them.

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