Sunday, September 17, 2006

Scene about town ...

In descending order, the various miscellany seen here, there and yonder in my travels this weekend:

70 still life paintings, Oxford Gallery, Rochester: The show is called "Seeing Things" and runs through Oct. 14. My art professor friend had three oil paintings on display, one of which had sold (for $3,200!!) before the reception. Yes, I am slightly ignorant about the whole numbers game that is the world of fine art, but after this weekend, whew! I've had quite the education. Alas, she is already so far beyond my meager budget, I can only window shop her work.
In the slightly-more-affordable category, I much enjoyed "Cumbrian Spring" by Toni Putnam, an encaustic (ie: colored wax) on panel (that was a "mere" $700).
Random thought: What is it, exactly, that inspires some artists to title their works figuratively (for ex: "The Good Egg," "Cheese Trap Act,""Table for Three?" or "Persistance of Conflict") while others stick with the literal (for ex: "Still Life with Japanese Lantern and Stacked Stones," "Anjou Pear," or "Nested Mangos")? I find I prefer figurative, but I would love to know how they choose names for each one.

22 restaurant patrons in the 5 o'clock hour, Sinbad's, Park Ave., Rochester: Also seen, (and consumed) six delicious dolma (aka "grape leaves").
Random thought: If a Mediterranean diet is supposedly one of the healthiest ever, I will happily convert. Hey, I'd even consider doing a "Jared for Subway" type gig for them.

Six scoops of homemade ice cream, atop three cones, Shark's Custard and Candy, Bloomfield.
Any faithful Red Zone reader should know by now it's the best in my book. Time is running out to enjoy it this season. They're only open two more weekends, noon - 9:30 p.m.
Random thought: Would someone please invent a coffee cookie dough ice cream?

Five random fishermen, Lagoon Park, Canandaigua.
Random thought: Are there actually fish to catch in that little outlet, or is it all about male bonding and/or looking "productive" when actually doing next to nothing?

Two seagulls balancing on a board left floating in the water, Canandaigua Lake. I'm not kidding. I saw it with my own eyes.
Random thought: How is that even possible?

One gorgeous pink sunset, spanning Canandaigua Lake, as much a feast for the eyes as
One divine raspberry pie, seductively sitting on my plate at home, was for the palatte.
Random thought: Pink (in all its variations) really is the most delicious shade.

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